The Décor refillable oil spray bottle is a must in your kitchen. It is great for the environment, your health and your non-stick pans. It can be purchased inexpensively at supermarkets and online.
These are the reasons I love it:
- It’s magnificent to use when cooking anything that likes to soak up oil at alarming rates such as eggplant, mushrooms and anything crumbed. Start with a little oil in the bottom of the pan (a tablespoon will do) and then as the food is cooking just spritz with oil occasionally when you think it is needed. You will end up with tastier, healthier food which doesn’t leave a greasy puddle on your plate.
- It’s environmentally friendly when compared to conventional aerosol oil sprays as it can be refilled time and time again. I have had mine for at least five years and all it needs is the occasional wash.
- The choice is yours. You can use whatever oil you prefer to cook with; I tend to fill mine with a light olive oil.
- It won’t damage your non-stick pans or you. The additives in aerosol oil sprays (dimethyl silicone, soy lecithin and butane or propane) will cause damage to the surface of most non-stick frying pans.
- When your roast veggies are looking a bit colourless you can just give them a light spray and pop them back in the oven to help them brown and crisp up nicely.